What should clinicians who work with American Indian/Alaska Native people consider when prescribing long-acting injectable (LAI) antipsychotics?

The mission of the IHS TeleBehavioral Health Center of Excellence (TBHCE) tele-education program is to equip, connect, and encourage healthcare providers working in the IHS, Tribal, and Urban Indian Health system and those serving American Indian/Alaska Native people and communities. More specifically, TBHCE aims to:

  • Equip healthcare providers with the culturally sensitive education and training they need to provide excellent patient care,
  • Connect healthcare providers by providing a space to learn from one another, and share best practices and solutions to challenges, and;
  • Encourage healthcare providers by celebrating and sharing successes.

A webinar entitled, “Improving Clinical Skills Webinar Series: Serious Mental Illness (SMI) and Injectable Antipsychotics” is shared as a resource for clinicians. In this recording/slide deck, objectives include:

  1. Appraise evidence-based utilization of injectable antipsychotics for the treatment of SMI
  2. Evaluate and recommend strategies for the incorporation of injectable antipsychotics into the treatment of SMI
  3. Apply strategies to engage individuals with SMI around the use of injectable antipsychotics

Additionally, cultural concerns for certain racial/ethnic groups, as well as considerations for use within the criminal justice system, are addressed.

If you would like more information on this topic, or would like to provide any feedback, please send us a message using our consultation system. Be sure to let us know about which tip you are writing. We would love to hear from you, and the consultation system is free to use and confidential. Thank you!

This resource was selected by SMI Adviser content partners and approved by the SMI Adviser clinical expert team for inclusion in the knowledge base.


Access more webinars from the Indian Health Services (IHS) TeleBehavioral Health Center of Excellence (TBHCE).


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