Wrap and Tech: Electronic Health Records, Measurement and Feedback Systems, and Other Supportive Online Technologies for Wraparound

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Hosted by the TA Network, in this webinar members of NWI’s Wraparound Evaluation and Research Team (WERT) at the University of Washington discuss the selection and implementation of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and other web-based technologies in a Wraparound setting.

Information technology (IT) has become a standard element of contemporary healthcare systems, often in the form of electronic health records (EHR). Given that it requires management of many pieces of information (e.g,. meeting schedules, plan of care elements, team member details, progress measures), individualized, team-based Wraparound care coordination has long been viewed as a practice that would benefit from IT. However, Wraparound poses some unique challenges to selection and implementation of EHRs and measurement and feedback systems.

This webinar provides guidance to organizations and programs selecting an EHR for the first time or transitioning to a new EHR system. Presenters review steps and principles of EHR selection and implementation, supplemented by lessons learned from the field. They also discuss innovations in fidelity measurement and feedback that NWI and the University of Washington Wraparound Evaluation and Research Team are developing.


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