Promoting Recovery through Self Direction: Strategies and Lessons from New York State

This resource was selected by SMI Adviser content partners and approved by the SMI Adviser clinical expert team for inclusion in the knowledge base.

Within the public mental health system, self-direction supports people in developing and directing their own services to help reach their own goals for recovery and independence. New York State’s Office of Mental Health has begun implementing a self-direction pilot that pairs each person’s own recovery plan with a flexible budget to purchase goods and services relevant to their goals. This webinar will: 1) Provide an overview of self-direction models and outcomes research to assist people with serious mental illnesses; 2) Describe how New York’s model was developed and adopted during a shifting Medicaid managed care environment, including successful advocacy strategies; 3) Discuss operational concerns such as provider training and outreach during New York’s first pilot year; and 4) Report on early participant outcomes related to the pilot.


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