Starting And Maintaining An Effective Peer Support Group

This resource was selected by SMI Adviser content partners and approved by the SMI Adviser clinical expert team for inclusion in the knowledge base.

Starting a support group is no easy task. Between recruiting participants, maintaining their engagement, and managing logistics, it’s tough to implement and sustain a successful program. Mental Health America (MHA) developed a group-based Social Self-Directed Care program that some of our affiliates are running across the country. Participants are supported by each other and a Peer Coach while they work on their social goals and skill building.

In this webinar, we will look at one group that has been active since early May. MHA of Passaic County has been able to bring people together, but is having some challenges that many new groups face. Dennise Babin and Patrick Hendry discuss ways to overcome the difficulties of getting a support group up and running, as well as successes and best practices.


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