What are some techniques individuals can do to cope with psychotic symptoms?

You will learn what works best for you. But some examples from others that you might try include:

  1. Avoidance: particularly avoiding behaviors and situations that have triggered symptoms in the past (e.g., use of alcohol, scary movies, chaotic work situations);
  2. Utilizing supportive others: connecting with non-judgmental supports including support groups;
  3. Taking medications as prescribed;
  4. Enacting cognitive strategies: these might be used in the face of symptoms to systematically reason through problematic thinking, its basis in reality, and possible alternative interpretations (for example asking yourself “is this logical?”;
  5. Controlling the environment: this might be making a quiet space for yourself or being around others so you are not alone;
  6. Engaging spirituality: this might be a way to find non-judgmental supports, find peace, escape chaos;
  7. Focus on well-being including the importance of exercise, sleep, eating well; and
  8. Employment or continuing their education: this provides activity that is absorbing and distracting, gives a sense of purpose, and structure to the week. In addition to these coping techniques, it is also a good idea to ask your care team for a validated scale where you can rate your symptoms each day and then share that at your clinical visits.
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