We have so many service areas that need improvement, where should we start?

Well, you are not alone and we hear your frustration. As you know, a necessity for making successful change in service delivery is having a cohort of the clinic staff and leadership on board with the change needed. That’s why one recommended technique is called the “deep dive.” In the staff break room post a large piece of paper with a few pens nearby. At the top of the paper write something like: “Share what patient services need improvement.”

After a week, bring down the paper, tabulate and summarize what was written and then hold a staff meeting to present your results. Get the clinic on board to nominate top priorities out of the choices suggested in the deep dive and ask for suggestions on how to achieve those changes. Nominate a “clinical champion” who will spearhead the effort by bringing it up at team meetings and getting others on-board with the change effort. Reach out to clinical directors and other relevant managers to get buy-in. By doing a process like the “deep dive” you get the clinic involved in deciding what and how to improve care quality. Next step is a Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle.

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