WEBINAR: Older Adults & Isolation During COVID-19

This resource was selected by SMI Adviser content partners and approved by the SMI Adviser clinical expert team for inclusion in the knowledge base.

Being an older adult comes with unique challenges. Many face dramatic changes in their relationships and employment, grief over the loss of loved ones, and changes in their physical health. During COVID-19, these concerns can be magnified. Deeper degrees of isolation, fear about one’s own health, and concerns about family members are just some of the things they may be experiencing. Older adults may experience fear about being able to meet their basic needs and anxiety over the constant news cycle. While there are many challenges, there is also hope and opportunities for older adults to support themselves and connect with others.

In this webinar, Patrick Hendry discusses the strengths and weaknesses of traditional behavioral health services in meeting the needs of this population, particularly around social isolation. He will also share information about how peer support and peer-delivered services can make an impact on their wellbeing and sense of connection. Join to explore this issue with others, gain information, and ask questions.


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