Professional Experiences in Correctional Psychiatry (Videos)

Receive valuable strategies and guidance through this three part series, Professional Experiences in Correctional Psychiatry. Led by Debra Pinals, MD, six speakers will dive into their experience as experts treating individuals with serious mental illness (SMI) in correctional settings. They will share strategies to help you adjust to the correctional environment, provide essential treatment tips they have learned, and discuss difficult circumstances and how to tackle them as correctional mental health providers caring for individuals with SMI.


Adapting to the Environment

Elizabeth Ford, MD and Matthew Edwards, MD will discuss the first time they treated a patient with SMI in a correctional setting, strategies they employed to adjust to the environment, and advice they would give to correctional mental health providers to make their experience meaningful and positive.

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Basic Treatment Lessons Learned

Kathryn Hall, MD and Charletta Dennis, MD will discuss cases where their treatment approach yielded a positive outcome, lessons they have learned around screening and diagnosis and ways to maximize the quality of care in correctional settings.

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Sticky Situations

Irina King, MD and Abhishek “Beesh” Jain, MD will discuss challenging situations from a treatment perspective, strategies they used to overcome these situations, and advice they would give providers working with individuals with SMI in correctional environments.

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