What are measures of organizational readiness and why use them?

When evidence-based practices are being rolled out or existing evidence-based practices are not having the impact you want, it is worthwhile to examine the “readiness” of administrators and staff at accepting new practices. It can help to efficiently identify where training and support should be focused so that implementation is more likely to be successful and have the impact on patients that you expect from the efficacy data. There are several good organizational readiness measurement tools, but three that we like are described below. Articles attached describe psychometrics of the scale and embedded links to the scale and its scoring.

The Implementation Climate Scale (ICS) is an 18-item measure of the local strategic climate for implementation, capturing six dimensions of organizational context that reflect employees’ ratings of the extent to which their organization prioritizes and values successful implementation of evidence-based practices. The Implementation Leadership Scale (ILS) is a 12-item scale of clinic-level leadership for implementation and has both a staff and supervisor version. The Implementation Citizenship Behavior Scale (ICBS) is a 6-item measure that captures critical behaviors employees perform to go above and beyond the call of duty to support implementation, including helping other employees on implementation-related activities and keeping informed about issues related to evidence-based practice and implementation efforts.

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